Human Resourcesour policy

Our Company's Human Resources Policy; As a global company that continues to increase its capacity, meets the expectations of its stakeholders, values its employees, is open to change, is a leader in its region, uses its resources efficiently, is sensitive to the environment, occupational health and safety, complies with quality standards, constantly develops its technology, is powered by the creativity of its employees, and is a customer-oriented company. To use human resources efficiently on the way to becoming a company. Planning, selection, recruitment, assignment in service units, development, planning and implementation of the human resources that will ensure the effective and efficient execution of the work in our company, determining and meeting the training needs, determining the competencies, performance management, carrying out the career planning studies in accordance with scientific methods Human Resources It is the goal of our policy.

Human Resourcesour principles

To establish and implement the system for determining, selecting and hiring the human resources that will enable our company to carry out its activities effectively and efficiently,
Developing a performance management system that will enable the personnel to see the results of their own work, in a sense the outputs, and to evaluate the results of their individual success.
To give direction to the applications to be made by taking the opinions of the employees through surveys and similar ways,

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